- Research ArticleThe grape bud mite is responsible for serious damage to grape vines, and causes loss of crop.
- Research ArticleNew strains and species of drought-resistant perennial forage grasses—capable of competing with annual weeds more successfully than any species now existing—may be produced.
- Research ArticleThe lifting of quarantines on June 15, 1950, from five California premises on which game birds are raised confirmed the elimination of a potential source of great loss for the...
- Research ArticleThe most difficult, important, and expensive problem of forest fire control in the United States is in California.
- Research ArticleOrchard temperature responses— measured at the Citrus Experiment Station at Riverside—showed a gain of 20% to 30% above the sum of the separate responses—verifying reports of growers that the combination...
- Research ArticleThe seed-corn maggot—Hylemyacilicrura (Rondani)— a well-known pest of several important vegetable and flower crops, has been found to be widely distributed in California.