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This study was carried on cooperatively with the State Division of Fish and Game and the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Research ArticleOrdinary spray rig applications of DDT for control of codling moth on walnuts were given comparative tests against several other methods of application during the 1947 experimental program.
- Research ArticleDuring the 1946—47 Washington navel orange harvest, trials were made on the use of 2,4-D water sprays to reduce mature fruit drop—preharvest drop.
- Research ArticleChemical weed control is becoming common practice in California and many different types of equipment are on the market.
The following extract is from Experiment Station Bulletin 705, which may be obtained without charge by addressing the Publications Ofice, College of Agriculture, University of California, Berkeley 4, California. Cuttings...
Research Article %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Detailed recommendations and detachable temperature charts are available in California Experiment Station Circular 381 “Dehydrating Freestone Peaches” which may be obtained without cost from the ofice of the Farm Advisor...
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A detailed report on this subject, with control recommendations, is published in the Agricultural Experiment Station Circular 384, “Controlling Common Pests of Tomato in Northern California,” and is available without...
- Research ArticleA detailed report on this subject is in the recently published Agricultural Experiment Station Circular 382 “Sulfur House Operation” whirh is available without cost at the local ofice of the...
- Research ArticleSalt-water contamination of wells, causing them to supply brackish water which will injure the crops they irrigate, is a probability in very limited areas only.
- Research ArticleThe blackeye variety of cowpeas is classed as a dry bean in California but in the southern states it is known as the Blackeye pea.
- Research ArticleDDT-kerosene sprays for control of red scale on citrus are not recommended beyond very limited field trials because of disadvantages and hazards associated with their use.