- Research ArticlePlanaria offer practical substitutes to chemicals for controlling mosquites and chironomid midges in some aquatic pest management systems. Unlike chemical larvicides, planaria produce a sustained high level of control that...
- Research ArticleThe pistachio nut tree (Pistacia Vera L.), which is native to the Mid-East and Central Asia, was introduced into California in the :arly part of this century. Commercial plantings were...
- Research ArticleUse of fish for biological aquatic weed control is becoming widespread in the irrigation system and recreational lakes of the lower Sonoran Desert of California. Two African species,
- Research ArticleA number of variables govern the amount of feed consumed daily by full-fed laying hens. Most important are body weight, ambient temperature, energy level of the feed, and egg production...
- Research ArticleDeteriorating water quality is a problem in many California agricultural areas. Effects of increased salts on crop yields, farm income, and future soil deterioration are of great concern to agriculturalists.
- Research ArticleThis experiment indicates that a high yield of alfalfa seed, can be obtained in the Imperial Valley if water management and insects are properly controlled. Irrigations guided by tensiometer at...