During the past season a new carloading pattern for the shipment of fresh fruit was developed and tested. This “solid/spaced” loading pattern used tiers of solid containers alternating with tiers...
- Research Article
- Research ArticleTwo recently introduced short-statured wheat varieties, INIA 66 and Siete Cerros 66, h ave shown outstanding performance in University of California tests. Both varieties were developed in Mexico by the...
- Research ArticleA performance index developed for beef herds enrolled in the California Beef Cattle Improvement Association provides a good estimate of an individual cow’s future production potential, based on past production...
- Research ArticleGrowers are interested in the feasibility of the establishment of commercial asparagus plantings by direct seeding as well as by the crown planting method presently used. The direct seeding of...
- Research ArticleGypsum is added to irrigation water to increase soil intake rates in some areas of California. More than a third of a ton of this compound is already present in...
- Research ArticleAn Estimated 30,700 head of beef were confined in fcedlots on January 1, 1967 in Los Angclcs County. Another 85,000 dairy animals were estimated to be within the confines of...
- Research ArticleAlthough more than a dozen varieties are grown in California, two barley varieties occupy the bulk of California’s 1,500,000 acres in this crop. California Mariout, which is planted on 55...
- Research ArticleA new technique involving the immersion of oilseeds in lipid solvents allows the extraction of enough oil for analytical purposes without destroying seed viability. This testing procedure makes it possible...