Limited trials with Promone, a progesterone-like hormone, showed considerable promise for increasing weight gains and feed efficiency of heifers in the feedlot. The trial reported here tested the feedlot performance...
- Research Article
- Research ArticleTests reported here indicate that mechanical clipping of tomato plants may be used satisfactorily to spread harvest dates and obtain plant uniformity. The delay in harvest may be 7 to...
- Research ArticleTHE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Drainage Project resulted from a request made of the Agricultural Extension Service at a county planning meeting held in 1964. The project involved the cooperation of...
- Research ArticleTHOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES must bethinned to allow production of loose clusters of well-developed berries. In recent years, the usual shatter-stage thinning has become a major labor-consuming operation for the grower....
- Research ArticleNew systems for greenhouse management have been introduced in recent years that necessitate changes in some of the traditional methods of growing greenhouse crops. Evaporative cooling. infra-red heating, elevated levels...
- Research ArticleFollowing A change in the water supply used for irrigation and misting–from a shallow well (400 ft) to a deeper well (800 ft)–a large California chrysanthemum producer experienced extreme difficulty...
- Research ArticleRhizopus soft rot, a serious breakdown problem in sweet potatoes during marketing, can be substantially reduced by use of the fungicides Botran or SOPP, when treatment is accompanied by proper...